10 Tips for Safer GHB Fun!

10 Tips for Safer GHB Fun!

GHB is a very stigmatised drug, and as a result the conversation around it is suppressed. This leads to many uninformed users, who put themselves in danger by consuming it without the knowledge required to do so with reduced risk.

Add the increased use of sniffer dogs that have driven recreational users from the less risky MDMA towards the less detectable GHB, and you get an increase in GHB related casualties and fatalities.

Not forgetting, that it is an incredibly fun drug…

This page is meant to educate the user on how to reduce the risk of using GHB. It doesn’t condone the usage, and any usage is at your own risk.

1. Know your dosage

It is very rare to find actual GHB in Australia, mostly what you get from dealers is 1,4-Butanediol (1,4b) and occasionally (rarely), GBL . Both of them get processed by your body into GHB – but they do so at a slower rate than GHB. Effects typically begin after 30 minutes, peak at one hour and last for approximately two hours. Combine that with different levels of purity, and the result is that the dose you are used to from your previous batch is not the same as the one you just got from a dealer! Lower your dose when you start with a new batch.

Dosage level is very different from one person to another, and the dosage window is small. For example a 55kg girl doing 1,4b might enjoy 1.3ml but overdose from 3ml! A 6ft 95kg man might enjoy 2.2ml but 4ml will overdose him.

2. Use a syringe plunger to dose

The difference between a fun time and a very painful death is a couple of millilitres. The only way to accurately dose is to use a syringe plunger to measure your dosage.

Tip: Put sticky tape over the black numbers to avoid them dissolving.

3. Use a stopwatch timer

It is important to use a stopwatch timer to dose (“have a charge”) – do not use your judgement as your sense of time and common sense will be impaired when high (otherwise it wouldn’t be fun, really…).

Every time you dose/charge – put a stopwatch timer on and never have more before an hour has passed.

Once an hour has passed from your starting dose, redose at just under half the starting dose – and put your stopwatch on again.

Example redose amounts: If your starting dose is 2ml, after an hour redose 0.9ml. If your starting dose is 1.5ml, redose at 0.6ml.

Over time you will learn what your starting dose and recharge doses are, you can dial the amount up or down depending on how high you feel, but remember that GHB builds over time so you may need to reduce your redose amount over the night.

4. If the dose is not working - STOP!!!

This is a common mistake that get people in trouble even if they are very careful!

GHB floats over alcohol and some foods. This means that if you’ve had a big meal and then had a charge, it is sitting on top of it until that food is digested.

People then think “it’s not working” or “the first charge didn’t work” and take more – then hours later when the food is digested (can even be 7 hours later!) suddenly all the G that was sitting on top of the food gets absorbed all at once, leading to an overdose.

Even more confusing is that sometimes some of the G gets absorbed, even though most of it is sitting on top of your food, so people think “it’s just weak stuff” and keep redosing at high levels – leading to a massive amount being absorbed once food is digested.

5. Don’t mix it with downers

GHB is a nervous system depressant, if you mix it with alcohol, benzos, opiates, or any CNS depressant they will amplify each other and depress your breathing and heart rate – leading to death.

Mixing with ketamine and weed can be fun, if you do it super carefully – as both of them would be much much stronger when you’re on G. You can K-hole yourself very easily and to the point of losing consciousness and potentially suffocating on your own vomit.

If you feel yourself losing consciousness, ask for help and/or lie on your side (so the vomit will leave your mouth if you go).

6. Don’t mix it with alcohol

Two reasons – alcohol is a central-nervous system depressant (see point 5 above) but also, GHB floats on top of it (see point 4) and it’ll ruin the rest of your ability to use it.

7. Do mix it with water

When dosing, put water in your mouth before plunging the G into your mouth (under your tongue, silly – all the taste buds are on top). 1,4b is a solvent, you want to dilute it before it goes into your mouth and throat.

8. Don’t use it every day

Two reasons:

One – it is as addictive as alcohol (including physically so) and withdrawal can be painful and even dangerous.

Two – it enhances deep sleep (body builders use it to enhance muscle growth) and reduces REM sleep (dream sleep) which your brain needs in order to process your emotions and memories effectively. Losing too much REM sleep leads to anxiety attacks.

GHB makes you horny and careless at the same time, so remember to use protection when having sex and always have full consent!

10. Enjoy!

If you follow these simple rules, you will have a much better time enjoying GHB without accidentally killing yourself or creating a negative experience for other people.

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